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Virgin coconut oil benefits to hair

Is naturally derived oil that has been used for centuries for a multitude of things, from skin care to hair, nails, makeup, teeth, health, and wellness, etc.

Coconut oil is unique for its medium-chain fatty acids. They are easy to digest as well as funneled straight to the liver, where they do produce energy instead of body fat, thus stimulating one’s metabolism.

From burning fat to whitening one’s teeth, coconut oil is one of the earth’s beneficial offering.

Studies do show that women who consumed about two tablespoons of coconut oil daily for 12 weeks does lower one’s abdominal fat.

Virgin coconut oil benefits to hairHow to use it?

Heat three to five tablespoons of coconut oil in the microwave and also apply it to one’s dry hair before bed. Cover with a and then shampoo as usual in the morning. One’s locks will be significantly less frizzy and one’s scalp with be thrilled with the moisture.

Coconut oil contains vitamin E, which moisturizes one’s skin. After all, one would like to nourish one’s skin and would like their skin to glow and look radiant.

It can be used for baking, instead of butter. It will taste as good, in fact much better. Less fat and keeps one in good shape.

Virgin coconut oil benefits to hair

A 2012 study showed that coconut oil can single-handedly stop most of the common causes of tooth decay. And Monolaurin (what our body converts coconut’s lauric acid into) actually fights everything from the flu to measles.

  • Mix about six tablespoons of coconut oil with the same amount of baking soda and then add about 20 drops of the essential oil of one’s choice. Mix it all together, store it in a mason jar, and watch one’s teeth gets whiter.
  • Gently dab a little bit of coconut oil all the way around one’s eyes when one is finished one’s nighttime routine. One does firmly believe in its preventative powers.
  • And go ahead and eat an extra cookie because though it gives you energy, coconut oil doesn’t make one insulin spike. One gets the benefits of carbohydrates.
  • It is worth using coconut oil and it has several benefits both health wise and for cooking purposes. Culinary dishes can indeed be prepared in it and also one can maintain one’s skin tone as well.
  • Coconut has multi-purposes and is indeed useful to have in one’s kitchen. Housewives need not hesitate to make use of it. Tasty dishes cooked and healthy ones too!
  • Coconut oil is indeed very useful. One can add salt or sugar to a spoonful of coconut oil for an all-natural, barely scented exfoliate that works all over one’s body as well as a face.
  • Believe it or not, coconut oil easily breaks down even the most stubborn waterproof mascara. The natural oil contains vitamins as well as minerals that stimulate lash growth. Coconut is useful for beauty care. One keeps clear one’s eye-make-up with it.

Buy Virgin coconut oil from online store “Drs nuts and seeds” which is 100% organic and natural product. For home delivery call 9030016333.

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